
The province of Corum was once the Hittite capital in Turkey during the bronze age, what was then Anatolia. Today the province of Corum is home to many historical and archaeological artefacts, denoting the transition between the ages of many battles waged between the Hittite capital Hattusa and their many enemies of the time. Many Hittite cities in Corum province are located within roughly 50 kilometres of each other, including Hattusas, Bogazkale, Ortakoy and Alacahoyuk. This province is truly an archaeologists dream, as everywhere you go you will find signs of ancient civilizations, their impressive buildings and symbolic relics.

The Hittites formed state that would last 500 years, they would defeat the Pharos of Egypt in battle, and lay waste to empires. They were the Hittites. In the stepped land along the Kazirlimak river, the Haitian people lived here for many centuries. Trading vast amounts of timber and wool, predominantly to Assyrian merchants. Around the second millennium bc, a new civilization began to dominate the region, the Neshites. Calling themselves after their capital city in Nesha, often fighting amongst themselves, until one man united the warring states together. His name was Hattusili (1650-1620 BC), meaning man from Hattusa, an old Hattian city he established as his capital in the north of the country. His people would eventually known as the Hittites, who spent most of their time campaigning in a streak of victories that ended in the south when they failed to take the kingdom of Aleppo, then called Halab. Halab controlled the famous trade routes between the east and the west. After his death, the grandson of Hattusili conquered Halab and went on to reach Babylon which they also conquered, leading to the end of the 200-year long Emirite reign of Amurabi. They invented the war chariot, and conquered much of the Anatolian plain at the time, they were feared, warriors.

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